Prescription Refills

San Luis Podiatry Group will be happy to refill your prescription medications if needed via email.

Please feel free to email us at with a brief description of how you are doing and when your next appointment is if you have one. Please leave detailed information including the following:

  • Medication to be refilled
  • Pharmacy name and city.
  • The pharmacy phone number if it is available to you.

We check our emails frequently and will promptly contact your pharmacy with the prescription refill information.

If you don't currently have a follow-up appointment and need to be seen in the office contact the San Luis Obispo office at or the Templeton office at

If you have any difficulty with your prescription refill needs don't hesitate to call the office to speak with one of our medical assistants.

      SLO:                        Templeton:
805-543-7788              805-434-2009

Schedule an Appointment

Please call 805.543.7788 for San Luis Obispo, 805.434.2009 for Templeton, or email us to request an appointment.