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For the First 24 hours After Surgery• For your own safety a responsible adult must drive you home
• Someone responsible should stay with you for the first 24 hours
• Do not stand or walk without assistance
• Do not drive or operate heavy machinery
• Do not drink alcohol or eat a heavy meal
• Do not make important personal or business decisions, or sign important papers.
• Begin with liquids and light food (Jello, Soups etc.)
• Progress to your normal diet if you are not nauseated
• Fluids are encouraged
• High fiber diets are recommended because some pain medications can cause constipation
• No walking other than to the bathroom or kitchen for the first 3 to 5 days
• No more than 10 minutes of standing or walking per hour for the first 3 to 5 days
• Use pillows to elevate your foot above chest level for the first 3 to 5 days
• After the first 3 to 5 days continue to elevate your foot as much as possible
• After the first 3 to 5 days light activity only
Wound Care
• Keep your dressing dry. Sponge bathing is recommended
• If your dressing becomes wet call your surgeon immediately. (The incidence of infection increases if the dressing becomes wet.)
• Bleeding can occur after your surgical procedure. If you notice a small amount of blood on your dressing don’t be overly concerned. If your dressing becomes saturated call your surgeon for instructions.
• Apply ice to your foot and ankle for 20 minute out of every 2 hours for the first 3 to 5 days and then as it feels comfortable.
• If you have an Ace bandage that feels too tight you may reapply it so that it is looser.
• Your post-operative shoe should be worn with all walking activity with weight bearing as directed by your surgeon.
• A long-acting local anesthetic has been added to the surgical site which will eliminate pain for the first 8-12 hours post-operatively.
• The anti-inflammatory Toradol (Ketorolac) may have been prescribed to you for pain relief. If so, take this medication with 8.0 ounces of fluid or a meal every 6 hours as directed until complete. If stomach distress is encountered discontinue this medication.
• If a narcotic pain medication has been prescribed for you begin taking this medication as prescribed as soon as the pain begins. This can be taken in conjunction with an anti-inflammatory without adverse reaction. If nausea or vomiting occurs with this medication call your surgeon immediately.
• Pain usually peaks within the first two to three days and then continues to improve.
• You may resume your regular medications.
When to Call Your Physician: San Luis Podiatry Group
• More than slightly bloody drainage
• Signs of infection: swelling, heat, redness, red streaks, pus, temperature over 101°, any disruption of the surgical site
• Pain that is not controlled by your prescribed medications
• Nausea
If you have any concerns questions or concerns regarding your post-operative instructions give the office a call at:
San Luis Obispo
1551 Bishop Street, 210B
San Luis Obispo, Ca 93401
1101 Las Tablas Road, Suite K
Templeton, Ca 93465
Helpful Forms
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING CRUTCHES. What you need to know. It Takes Some Coordination To Get Around On Crutches. To make sure you use your crutches correctly, please read these instructions and follow them carefully.
Schedule an Appointment

Please call 805.543.7788 for San Luis Obispo, 805.434.2009 for Templeton, or email us to request an appointment.