Post-Operative Pain Management
It is normal to expect pain after your surgical procedure. The most effective pain management strategy is to be proactive with the use of your medications and observe these following instructions.
At the conclusion of your surgical procedure your surgeon administered a long acting local anesthetic called marcaine to your surgical site. Marcaine acts to block painful nerve transmission at your surgical site and generally with provide complete pain relief for 8-12 hours post operatively. The compression from your surgical dressing will sometimes delay the absorption of marcaine from the surgical site and provide anesthesia for up to 24 hours post operatively.
You will generally receive two separately acting pain medications for your pain management use after surgery:
Toradol (Ketorolac): This medication is an anti inflammatory in the same class as medications like ibuprofen. It however, has much stronger pain fighting properties. You typically receive your first dose of Toradol through your intravenous line at the surgery center prior to your departure. This medication should be taken by mouth as soon as you get home. As with all anti inflammatory medications it can cause gastrointestinal distress so make sure that you take this with a light meal or at least 8 ounces of fluid. Take this medication as directed whether you have pain or not until it has been completed.
Percocet / Vicodin ES: One of these medications has been prescribed for you for pain management. You will begin taking this medication as soon as the local anesthetic begins wearing off. Your initial pain sensation may be sharp and burning or dull and aching in quality. It is important to take this medication early and as directed up to 1 to 2 tablets every 4-6 hours. These narcotic medications can cause nausea and vomiting as a side effect. If this occurs call the office as soon as possible so that a substitute pain medication can be prescribed.
Remember that the use of ice packs for cold therapy, elevation of your foot and leg and activity limitations are key components to successful pain management.
If you have any concerns questions or concerns about your specific post operative pain management strategy, give the office a call at:
San Luis Obispo
1551 Bishop Street, 210B
San Luis Obispo, Ca 93401
1101 Las Tablas Road, Suite K
Templeton, Ca 93465
Schedule an Appointment

Please call 805.543.7788 for San Luis Obispo, 805.434.2009 for Templeton, or email us to request an appointment.