Patient Education
- Achilles Tendonitis
- Ankle Equinus
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- Metatarsal Arthralgia
- Metatarsal Stress Fracture
- Neuroma - Intermetatarsal
- Pediatric Flat Foot
- Peroneal dislocation
- Peroneal tendon tear
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Plantar Fibroma
- Retrocalcaneal Bursitis
- Sesamoid Fracture
- Shin Splints
- Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
- Tailor's bunion
- Toenail Fungus
- Warts - Verruca Plantaris
- Overview
- Diabetic Shoes
- Shoe Modification
- Accommodative Orthotics
- Ankle Foot Orthosis (AFO) - Overview
- Richie Brace® - AFO
- Dorsiflexory Assist Device (Allard® ToeOFF Brace)
- Gauntlet AFO (Arizona®)
- Overview
- Preoperative Care
- Day of Surgery
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- Bunionectomy
- Bunionectomy - Post-Op
- Neuroma Surgical Care
- No Barefoot Walking
- Activity Limitations
Classification and treatment of plantar fibromatosis.
Department of Orthopaedics, University of Cincinnati, School of Medicine, Ohio, USA.
A retrospective study of 18 patients (23 feet) with plantar fibromatosis who required surgical excision between January, 1991, and June, 1998, was performed. Subtotal plantar fasciectomy was performed to remove the tumor with a wide disease-free margin. 16 patients (21 feet) were interviewed and 14 patients (19 feet) were examined with an average followup of 36 months. Two patients (2 feet) with less than 12 months followup were excluded. Both subjective and objective evaluations and pre- and postoperative x-rays were reviewed to assess the alignment of the bony arch. There were nine males and nine females, age 49 years, average, at the time of diagnosis. Sixty-seven percent of patients had bilateral disease, and 28% had associated Dupuytren's contracture. There were 18 primary and five recurrent tumors. An operative staging system, I to IV, for plantar fibromatosis is presented which incorporates the extent of plantar fascia involvement, the presence of skin adherence, and the depth of tumor extension. The stage of the tumor correlated well with postoperative wound healing, skin necrosis, and recurrence. In fifteen of 21 feet, the patients were satisfied without reservations, and in three of 21 feet, they were satisfied with reservations. In 18/21 (86%) feet, the patient reported he/she would have surgery done again. There were two recurrent tumors. One was reoperated and the patient was disease free twelve months postoperatively. The other recurrence was asymptomatic 40 months postoperatively and required no treatment. One patient required an excision of a postoperative cutaneous neuroma. Eleven of 21 feet (52%) experienced delayed healing and of which four required a split thickness skin graft. Ten of the eleven feet with delayed wound healing and all four cases requiring a skin graft had a stage ill or IV tumor. Pre- and postoperative weightbearing radiographs revealed a slight decrease in the calcaneal pitch angle, navicular height, and medial cuneiform height indicating a decrease in the height of the medial longitudinal arch.
- 10919621
- [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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